March 19, 2014

Top 10 Again

As of today Chad and I have been together for 3 years, 8 months, and 2 days. Isn't that just adorable?! ;P Since we've been married I've discovered so much but I don't feel like 2 months of marriage allots for any advice giving, instead I'd like to share with you what I've learned so far:

1. Everyone that told me I had to look cute while sleeping were jerks. When I was engaged I got new "pj's" as gifts and advice from excited new brides on how wonderful it was to have cute sleepwear and be adorable for your husband. OK, newsflash, he's sleeping too! Why does it matter what I look like if he's asleep as well?? If he's staring at me while I'm asleep that's a whole new set of issues. After a few nights of these "pj's" I had to give them up. I was cold most of the time, things were falling out, and major static cling plagued me night after night. Even though I'm married I still deserve the right to wear mixed matched pj's with my hair pulled up in a pineapple-shaped bun. If he can't handle that then he shouldn't have married me. (thankfully he can!)

2. Gosh I'm selfish! When I was single all I had to think about was myself: my goals, my dreams, what I wanted for dinner, how I wanted my house to look, etc. Now it's not just about me and that's really difficult.

3. I want to be around him all the time. We were long distance for 3 years and went 3 or 4 months without seeing each other. I could handle it but now a normal work day is too long. I can't get enough of him! I seriously love being around him and I hope that never changes.

4. Girlfriends are still necessary. I've learned that my husband is not my girlfriend and he won't want to watch chick flicks with me or go shopping all the time. I'm away from all my girlfriends and gosh I miss them. They are a crucial part of my life and I really wish they were around. 

5. Getting a puppy right away was a bad idea.  Let's get something straight, I love Aspen like crazy!!! But getting her 2 weeks after we got married has been tough. We missed out on just us time and its really been like having a baby. Before we do anything we have to think about her and it's a huge responsibility. I kind of wished we would have waited or had gotten a puppy before marriage. None-the-less she's our little lovey and I can't imagine life without her.

6. Meshing two lives together is rough. Bringing two different lives, opinions, dreams, and everything else together and making it work smoothly is a job in itself.

7. I really really love him.  Let's get serious for a moment, I hate my living situation. I hate being in Ohio, being away from our friends and family, our house, the backyard, the weather, the town, etc. The only things that I like are Chad, Aspen, and our Church. The way our life is right now is so far away from what I imagined and frankly it's miserable however, I'd rather be here with him than in California without him. He's my world and I can't imagine life without him. I love him so much and will always want to be where he is.

8. God is a big deal. I guess this is kind of a no brainer but it's so true. I thought it was hard to follow God's plan when it's just me but now it's even more crucial that we listen to God and grow together because if we don't we'll fall apart.

9. Expectations are huge....huge. OMG! I had no idea how many expectations I had for marriage until I was in one. I found it was so important for me to state my expectations and for him to state his even for the littlest things so that we were on the same page.  

10. It's the best thing ever! It's true. I absolutely love it! It's amazing being able to be married to my best friend. It's the biggest blessing and really there are no words for how awesome it is!!

Love you, Chad! 


March 10, 2014

Ode to Roommates

My favorite show for as long as I can remember has been The Golden Girls. I love the dynamics between these 4 sassy ladies and their love for one another. They were the first ones to introduce me to the idea of framily (friends+family) and the beauty of roommates. I'd like to take a moment to celebrate the awesomeness of roommates...

Having roommates has been one of the biggest blessing of my life! Obviously I'm married now so I have the coolest roommate of all but let's face it, he's a boy and there is a big difference between boy roommates and girl roommates. My first roommate was the typical college freshman roommate, aka I didn't like her. We never really talked and she would do her homework at 2 am with the desk light shining in my face but enough about her, let's get to the good stuff! 

My first roommates were Kayt and Kelsey. We moved in together the summer before my senior year of college. Our apartment was this strange little place that used to be an attic which meant it was hellishly hot during the summer and arctic cold during the winter but the weird quirks of the place were what attracted us to living there. The three of us were the epitome of roommate perfection (besides The Golden Girls, of course). I think all three of us were shocked at how well we got along. I mean, 3 women living under one roof is a recipe for drama but there never was any. We did have spats from time to time but nothing major. In that year we lived together we truly became a family and the day we moved out it was almost like a piece of me was gone (dramatic but true). They were my Golden Girls and I'm determined to live with them again someday! 

Moving out led me to moving in with Abi! I only lived with her for a semester but she totally prepared me for marriage, I swear we were a married couple. We'd watch Jeopardy together, confide in each other, and pick up groceries for one another. We lived in Family-Grad housing on campus which was awesome but had its quirks as well. We lived with a lot of exchange students to we'd hear ethnic music and drums at 4 in the morning. We'd hear drills, laughing, yelling, and lots of car alarms as well. The kicker was we lived in the basement apartment so we could hear our upstairs neighbors peeing....lovely. We never complained though, we'd just laugh it off and chalk it up to the college experience. That semester was so amazing and living with her was such a blessing. She is one of my best friends because of it and I seriously miss living with her!! 

My next roommates will be one, or all, of the fab 5 (you know who you are). I'm determined for that to happen so get ready ladies. 

Living with roommates has given me some of the best experiences and memories of my life! It was filled with midnight frozen yogurt runs, Say Yes to the Dress marathons, and girlfriends who become sisters. All I can say is I hope everyone can experience living with roommates. It's just the best! 

Thank you for being a friend, 
