June 30, 2015

Miss Maddie

MISS MADDIE!!!! That's what I hear everyday when I walk into my classroom, accompanied by little hugs around my knees and kisses on my stomach. It's been about a month since I became "Miss Maddie" and I could not be happier! I thank The Lord so much for providing a job change for me at the most unlikely time. Being a preschool teacher has been the most fun, exhausting, and challenging career experience I have had in my young life. 

The biggest change has been working full time. I feel much more fulfilled in my professional life but chore time, and more importantly, puppy time has dwindled a bit. Also, my sweet, wonderful husband has to deal with me coming home exhausted! I'm hoping I will get used to it as time goes on and have more energy at the end of the day but until then he has been so patient with me. 

Working with 12 3-5 yr old children has allowed The Lord to teach me a lot about patience, compassion, and grace. I have learned to not be so serious, go with the flow, and to always take a deep breath. I work in a part of Cincinnati that is not always the best when it comes to socioeconomic status and because of that I see a lot of the repercussions of raising a child in that environment. It has been very hard for me to cope with what I hear and see on a daily basis and it kills me I can't fix every situation I come across. The Lord is slowly teaching me I cannot fix the situation, that's His job, but I can make sure every child I see knows Miss Maddie, and more importantly The Lord, loves them so very much! I'm having a blast and I can't wait to see and share what the months to come have in store! 

Besides the job change not much has changed in our little life but all is very well! The puppies are doing great! Aspen is beginning to settle down. She is still her hyper self but she is able to function like a normal dog and sleep. Cody is fitting into our family perfectly! We love him so much and can't believe he hasn't been here the whole time. Since I started the new job they go to doggie daycare 2 times a week and that has  been so fun for them and so helpful for us! They come home exhausted which is great but they also get to be out of their crates and socialize which is even better!

Chad and I are doing great! As usually Chad is doing fabulous at his job and is still as passionate as ever. We are a year and a half into our marriage and I still highly recommend it. Being married to your best friend is the greatest gift ever! We are the couple we hate! Too much PDA and obnoxious nicknames are a part of our everyday routine. Sorry to all, we're trying lol. The best thing in our life currently is The Lord has been answering a lot of prayers we've been asking since and before we've been married. He's revealed most of the questions we've had about career options, moving, kids, the whole shebang. I'm sure you'll hear about all of them as they unfold in His timing but the most beautiful part about it hasn't been the answers, but the reminder about how faithful our Lord is. When we had given up or even forgotten He came through as He always does. 

I think that's all for now. Love ya'll! 

Miss Maddie ;)