June 19, 2014

It's been awhile

Hey Everyone! 

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, its been a little crazy around here! I thought I'd give you an update on what's been going on the last month or so....

I feel like most of May I was gone, which I loved! The beginning of May I went back home for my dear friend Katie's wedding. Of course being home was sublime and the wedding was perfection. Katie and Mitch have been dating since our freshman year of high school, I think. Basically, tying the knot was long overdue and I couldn't be more happy for them! It was a lovely back yard wedding that just screamed Katie's style and I couldn't get enough of the cuteness. Plus seeing old friends just topped it off. At the end of May Chad and I took our official honeymoon trip. We road tripped it down to Florida and stayed in my Grandma's condo across the street from the beach. I hadn't been to the condo since I was around seven so being back unleashed so many memories. Chad and I lounged on the beach and basically just soaked up everything Panama City Beach had to offer, we absolutely loved it. On the way back we stayed in Nashville for two days and I fell in love fast. I never thought I could see myself living anywhere except the West Coast but I would move there in a heartbeat and be happy as a clam. I loved the people, the city, and the deep roots of country music everywhere. Chad and I had such a great time and came back with amazing memories. At the end of this month we'll be traveling to Montana which will be awesome and I seriously can't wait!!

Chad has been traveling a lot for work but thankfully things are slowing down and I have my fingers crossed I'll be able to spend a full month with him haha. But seriously, he is killing it at work, he got a big promotion and his team members entrust him with many responsibilities that I'm sure other engineers do not receive. I am insanely proud of him and I can't brag on him enough! He is seriously awesome and the best engineer the company has, I'm completely unbiased of course. I see huge success in his future in whatever he decides to do. I actually just received a job offer today and took it. I will be the office manager for Equipping Ministries International. It is a nonprofit that provides learning material for missionaries all over the world. I am very excited to be working in a Christian environment and learning the responsibilities of how a business runs. It definitely isn't the dream job but I'm learning I don't know what the dream job is for me right now. In the mean time it will be a great experience and extra income! 

Emotionally I am still adjusting to all the changes. I thought I was doing better but with all the trips and seeing friends and family I remembered how not awesome Ohio is. The only things I like about living here are Chad, Aspen, our church, the greenery, and now lightning bugs....those things are awesome. Living in the burbs is still driving me crazy and the house and I don't get along. I love our backyard but it's completely nonfunctional because of the lack of fence. Now, I've discovered humidity and it is dreadful! Give me 100 degree dry heat any day but this stuff is unbearable. Yes, I am aware other places are worse, you don't need to tell me. Thankfully, I have some blossoming friendships that are keeping me somewhat sane. Thanks for putting up with me ladies. God is definitely revealing His plans to us through all of this though which is comforting and we know this situation is not permanent. It is definitely bonding Chad and I and that is such a blessing. 

Little Miss Aspen is awesome! She's six months old now which seems impossible! I can't believe how fast time has flown. Most of her bad habits are gone now and she is turning into a great dog, I hate that I can't say puppy anymore :( She has been having a lot of tummy troubles recently and we are wondering if she has a wheat intolerance. If things continue we will get her tested and take the necessary steps so our little peanut is healthy. At the end of the summer we are going to enroll her in intermediate dog training and are looking into agility training for her. Since she has so much energy it would be perfect for her. We babysat a dog named Jake for some friends a couple weekends ago and fell in love with him and the idea of having two dogs. Aspen and Jake became fast bff's and were so cute playing together. Chad and I knew almost immediately our family would be complete with a second dog. However, right now the timing isn't perfect and we decided to wait until Aspen is at least one and we have a fence. Nevertheless expect a second dog in the Wentling household at some point in the next few years.  

I think I've filled you in on all the major things happening in our lives right now. I promise to keep you more in the loop from now on! ;) 

Love ya'll! 
