June 30, 2015

Miss Maddie

MISS MADDIE!!!! That's what I hear everyday when I walk into my classroom, accompanied by little hugs around my knees and kisses on my stomach. It's been about a month since I became "Miss Maddie" and I could not be happier! I thank The Lord so much for providing a job change for me at the most unlikely time. Being a preschool teacher has been the most fun, exhausting, and challenging career experience I have had in my young life. 

The biggest change has been working full time. I feel much more fulfilled in my professional life but chore time, and more importantly, puppy time has dwindled a bit. Also, my sweet, wonderful husband has to deal with me coming home exhausted! I'm hoping I will get used to it as time goes on and have more energy at the end of the day but until then he has been so patient with me. 

Working with 12 3-5 yr old children has allowed The Lord to teach me a lot about patience, compassion, and grace. I have learned to not be so serious, go with the flow, and to always take a deep breath. I work in a part of Cincinnati that is not always the best when it comes to socioeconomic status and because of that I see a lot of the repercussions of raising a child in that environment. It has been very hard for me to cope with what I hear and see on a daily basis and it kills me I can't fix every situation I come across. The Lord is slowly teaching me I cannot fix the situation, that's His job, but I can make sure every child I see knows Miss Maddie, and more importantly The Lord, loves them so very much! I'm having a blast and I can't wait to see and share what the months to come have in store! 

Besides the job change not much has changed in our little life but all is very well! The puppies are doing great! Aspen is beginning to settle down. She is still her hyper self but she is able to function like a normal dog and sleep. Cody is fitting into our family perfectly! We love him so much and can't believe he hasn't been here the whole time. Since I started the new job they go to doggie daycare 2 times a week and that has  been so fun for them and so helpful for us! They come home exhausted which is great but they also get to be out of their crates and socialize which is even better!

Chad and I are doing great! As usually Chad is doing fabulous at his job and is still as passionate as ever. We are a year and a half into our marriage and I still highly recommend it. Being married to your best friend is the greatest gift ever! We are the couple we hate! Too much PDA and obnoxious nicknames are a part of our everyday routine. Sorry to all, we're trying lol. The best thing in our life currently is The Lord has been answering a lot of prayers we've been asking since and before we've been married. He's revealed most of the questions we've had about career options, moving, kids, the whole shebang. I'm sure you'll hear about all of them as they unfold in His timing but the most beautiful part about it hasn't been the answers, but the reminder about how faithful our Lord is. When we had given up or even forgotten He came through as He always does. 

I think that's all for now. Love ya'll! 

Miss Maddie ;)

April 23, 2015

Los Barriles

Last month we took a vacation to Los Barriles, Mexico with my parents. They recently bought property there and we had to check it out! Los Barriles is about an hour north of Cabo on the Sea of Cortez. It's a smaller town filled with locals and Americans alike. When you look toward land you feel like you're in California and when you look towards the sea you feel you're on a tropical island, aka my paradise. 

We had pretty low expectations upon departure. When your parents tell you they bought a trailer (yes, a trailer) in Mexico you wonder if they've gone off the deep end. But when we saw the town and especially the ocean, we totally got it. This is the view from their place.... 

You see what I mean? 

The town was super cute and a nice mix of tourism and everyday life. It had everything a picky American would need while still feeling authentic. Our favorite spot in town was a coffee shop about a block away from my parent's place. It was ran by a young American couple who recently moved there from Washington. The beans were roasted on sight and shoes were optional. It's my new happy place...

They also had two dogs... 

Coffee, dogs, and palm trees. There is absolutely nothing better. 

On top of the dogs at the coffee shops there were dogs everywhere in town! Dogs, cows,  chickens, goats, you name it, they all ran wild. Basically my version of heaven. 

We went to Cabo for two days to visit some family friends that have a time share there. Cabo was its own type of fun. One word: party! It was hoppin' with college students on spring break. It was fun to watch the craziness and be in a bigger town. That was the place for great shopping (I love bargaining!) and it was as equally gorgeous as Los Barriles...

This trip will go down as one of my favorite vacations ever! We miss it so much and talk about it on a daily basis. Honestly, if it was possible we'd move there. That's how much we loved it. 

We can't wait to go back!

March 3, 2015

Mr. Codes

As most of you have probably seen through my thousands of Facebook and Instagram posts we have a new dog! Our little furry family is complete....for now ;) Chad and I have been seriously discussing getting another dog for a few months now and in February really started our search. We've known pretty much since we got Aspen that eventually we'd get another dog, it was just a matter of timing.

This time around we wanted a shelter/rescue dog. Both Chad and I have a huge heart for these animals and their situations. It breaks our hearts that these dogs are overlooked because of breed or their "issues because they're shelter dogs." Our new guy is living proof of how awesome they can be! 

Before meeting Cody we met two potential siblings for Aspen that fell through. First we met Maddie, a Blue Heeler that was just precious but when she met Aspen the teeth came out and she tried to attack our baby, so that was a no. Next we met Annie, an adorable white Pitbull who we absolutely loved! Unfortunately, this time Aspen was the one who didn't like her. At this point we felt hopeless that we'd find a right match. 

Occasionally I'd check a website called petfinder.com. I typed in cattle dog, male, medium size, and 100 mile radius from Cincinnati. Lots of options popped up, including Cody. To be honest I wasn't really interested in him but I sent an inquiry just for the heck of it. Next thing you know the three of us are driving to the middle of nowhere to meet this little fur ball. Neither Chad or I had high hopes and chalked the whole trip up to seeing new sights. Well, when we got there it was love at first sight! He was so sweet, funny, and a little weird....he was perfect for us. The big test was Miss Aspen. Being in a new place with all kinds of animals, sounds, and smells completely stressed her out and we expected her to lash out at Cody. Instead, they sniffed each other, played a bit, and basically ignored each other. For Aspen, this was huge. We knew he was it. They said we could take him home right then but we had absolutely nothing ready! 

That next week Chad was in California so I prepared the house for our new baby, and tried to prepare my current baby as much as I could for this new change. 

On Saturday, Febraury 28 we adopted Cody, formally known as Biggie. We decided to change his name for a few reasons: he really isn't that big, all I think of is Biggie Smalls, and we wanted it to match Aspen (west coast and a city). He has responded to it very nicely and doesn't seem to be confused which is great! He is supposedly a year and a half. We'll be celebrating his 2nd birthday in July. We aren't exactly sure what he is but we think he's Red Heeler and Beagle. He's shorter than Aspen but about the same weight....he's a little chunker :) 

When we brought him home Aspen and him played like best friends outside but inside Aspen was very territorial and did not like another dog in her house. By Sunday afternoon they were playing in the house and sleeping in each others' beds. Aspen still gets jealous but we are trying to give her extra attention and love so she knows everything is fine. The transition is going way better than expected and we couldn't be happier! We think this new addition is exactly what our family needed. He is very playful but knows how to relax which is exactly what Aspen needs in her life. 

His personality is complete love bug. All he wants is to bury his head in your lap and receive kisses and belly rubs. We can tell there must have been some abuse in the past because when you come up to him he will sometimes coward down, it breaks my heart. His story is he was dumped in a field at an unspecified age and a woman called the shelter to pick him up because the property he was on was owned by a woman who was going to kill him just for being a dog. When he was rescued he was 8 months old. He's been a great dog so far! He hasn't done anything scold-worthy and just wants to play with his sister, get loved on, and sleep. 

We love that Aspen now has a buddy and we have a new little boy to love. This is a really joyous time in our little family and I'm so excited to share it with you! Thank you for all the sweet posts and I can't wait for everyone to meet him and play with them both! 


February 3, 2015

Finding the Path to My Purpose


        When I was a kid the first thing I remember wanting to be was a ballerina. However, my mom told me that when I was about three I wanted to be a cat.... Since then I've wanted to be a princess, vet, teacher, lawyer, chef, business owner, elf, interior designer, model, event coordinator, counselor, and probably so much more. I'm still waiting for a long lost relative to call and say I'm an heir and Food Network to realize I'm a boss at microwaving leftovers but until then I'm stumped. When we were kids the sky was the limit with our dreams but anywhere between 16 and 18 the dreams come to a halt and the reality check hits. College visits, deciding a major, and basically planning your entire future. Who thought that was a good idea?? When I was a teenager I could barely decide where to go to lunch let alone decide my future!

       I started college as a business management major because I wanted to be an event planner. When I got my internship I realized quickly experience was more important than knowing business and as I start Accounting 101 I realized I hated business management. I switched to Family and Consumer Science which was the best decision I've ever made (besides marrying Chad <3). It was the first time I actually succeeded in school and was passionate about academics. I loved every minute of my program studies! People always ask me what this major is so here is Montana State University's definition: "The Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) profession is dedicated to enhancing the relationships among individuals, families, communities and the environments in which they function. The family and consumer sciences profession takes leadership in improving individual, family, and community well-being; impacting the development, delivery, and evaluation of consumer goods and services; influencing the creation of policy; and shaping societal change, thereby enhancing the human condition."Sounds good, right? The problem is I have no clue what to do with it! 

       By the way, our society doesn't like that. When I tell people I'm 23 and don't know what I want out of life I get a look of pity. Like, I'm unfocused and irresponsible because I haven't decided what I want to do for the next 50 years. Does anyone know what they really want for the next 50 years?!?! Is it that bad to not have it figured out? I struggle with this all the time. As much as I love my husbands (and that's a lot) it's hard living in his shadow sometimes. He's known from a very young age he wanted to be an engineer. He got a degree in it, received a job offer right out of the gate, then got his master's (for free!!!). Now he's making bank, climbing corporate ladders, and loving it. I mean, that happens to no one! Come on, Chad! ;) I couldn't be more proud of him but that type of focus is something I've never known. I love and have a passion for so many things I can't decide which one is best. I guess you could say I have passion ADHD. I cannot decide what I want to do. I just want to love it! Heck, I'd be happy being a barista the rest of my life if that's what God had for me. 

       I guess I'm writing this because I wonder if there are others out there that struggle with this? Struggle with not knowing their purpose in life. Struggle with feeling inadequate because they don't have a true profession. Wishing God would provide a neon sign saying "THIS IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO!" I assume most Christ followers have prayed the same prayer I have: "Lord, I'll do whatever you want if you'll just show me what it is." It's never that easy, is it? God loves to be creative instead of obvious. Sometimes beautiful but let's be honest, most of the time annoying. Does anyone else struggle with this? Not knowing? Not even a little clue?!?!

       As a Christ follower I know my true purpose in life is to show God's love, follow His will, and hopefully bring others to Him. I love that! It's comforting to know that is what life is truly about, but which avenue do I take to allow all those things to happen? I know, trust God. That's the answer to it all. Easier said than done for this imperfect girl. I guess that has been my prayer through it all, that I would trust Him enough to lead me to the right passion in His right timing. That is my prayer for you too. I know I can't be alone in this and I'm praying earnestly for The Lord to reveal your calling as well. 

       Thanks for letting me rant and I hope that this post could be somewhat of an encouragement for those struggling like me. Thankfully we are not alone and we have each other and The Creator on our side with only the best intentions for our life. That is such a joy and huge relief! Praise Jesus for His perfect will and timing! Who knows, maybe I can still become a cat....


January 27, 2015

The New Year

I can't believe we are already into 2015! This year went by so fast! Crazy is the only word I can think of to describe it lol! Here is a little recap of the end of our year and what we expect for 2015:

2014 ended wonderfully with a trip to California to visit my family. With Aspen in tow we enjoyed the sunshine and being in Redlands. We were able to see lots of friends and family and just relax! Leaving was insanely difficult for all of us but we bounced back into Midwest life pretty painlessly.

Jan. 5th we celebrated one year of marriage! I can't believe it's already been a year. I feel like it was just yesterday! Since it was a Monday and we had just gotten back from CA we just went out to dinner and recovered from our trip. It's still so exciting to me that it has been a whole year!! I love him more today than I did a year ago and I wouldn't trade being Mrs. Chad Wentling for anything! :) <3 

Jan. 12-ish marked one year in Cincinnati for me. Everyone said give it a year and you'll be fine. Well, it's been a year and still not a fan. LOVE our friends and church though. They make it fun but I'd rather just steal them all and make them move back west with me. Maybe I'll work on that this year... 

Jan. 18th marked one year with our peanut, Miss Aspen. Again, can't believe it's been a year. It hasn't been an easy one but totally worth it! She's becoming an awesome dog ( I can't say puppy anymore, wahhhh!!) and we wouldn't trade her for the world! 

We took a spontaneous trip to Charlotte, NC in the middle of January which was so fun! Charlotte is a great town that's trendy but still has that classic southern charm. It was great to get away, just the two of us, and enjoy being together. 

Chad will be doing a lot of traveling these next few months. They're trying to wrap up their project with AirBus which isn't going as smoothly as planned. Chad is just a boss and knows everything about everything and is getting the job done! I'm insanely proud of him for being the point person for this current project but at the same time I want my hubby home!! 

I'm still at Equipping Ministries as their office manager. It's getting better but definitely not what I want to be doing forever. The problem is I still don't know what my calling is but I'm trusting The Lord will lead me there when the timing is right. For now I'm just working hard and keeping my eye out for any good opportunities. 

Our main goal for 2015 is to get ourselves and our house together. We have both gained so much weight since being married. It's disgusting. We are both sick of it and are changing things up! It's exciting to be back on track. We'd love your support and encouragement with this journey. Also, we've noticed that after only one year of marriage we have collected so much crap! We both absolutely hate clutter and totally believe that living simpler is the way to go. So, we've decided that once a year we are going to have a major clean out of all the things we don't need and either sell them or give them to charity. This spring we'll be having our first garage sale and are stoked to get rid of some of the clutter and get organized. 

In March we'll be taking a trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. My parents have recently fallen in love with the area and invited us down there to see it. Obviously we could not pass that up! We cannot wait to escape the cold and relax on the beach with margarita in hand. 

As always we will be traveling all over this year: Montana, California, Nebraska, Michigan, and who knows where else. We both love traveling but agree it's getting old going to the same places. Sadly, our vacations feel more like obligations to see as many friends and family members as possible in the shortest amount of time. Obviously we love seeing them but we come back more exhausted than when we left. Our goal in the future is to explore new places and have new experiences with our friends and family beside us. That way we all get a vacation! We'll see how it goes lol.

We're also expecting to get a second dog in 2015. We feel like a second pup will complete our little family and we would love a sibling/playmate for Aspen. We are being very thoughtful and prayerful about it as it is not a light decision. Reason being is Aspen can be quite a little diva when it comes to other dogs. Some she loves and others she wants no part of. We expect this process to be lengthy but are excited for the future member of our family. 

We can't wait to see what 2015 will hold and I promise to keep you updated as much as I can! I hope your holidays were absolutely wonderful and you have a great 2015! 

Love ya'll!