January 27, 2015

The New Year

I can't believe we are already into 2015! This year went by so fast! Crazy is the only word I can think of to describe it lol! Here is a little recap of the end of our year and what we expect for 2015:

2014 ended wonderfully with a trip to California to visit my family. With Aspen in tow we enjoyed the sunshine and being in Redlands. We were able to see lots of friends and family and just relax! Leaving was insanely difficult for all of us but we bounced back into Midwest life pretty painlessly.

Jan. 5th we celebrated one year of marriage! I can't believe it's already been a year. I feel like it was just yesterday! Since it was a Monday and we had just gotten back from CA we just went out to dinner and recovered from our trip. It's still so exciting to me that it has been a whole year!! I love him more today than I did a year ago and I wouldn't trade being Mrs. Chad Wentling for anything! :) <3 

Jan. 12-ish marked one year in Cincinnati for me. Everyone said give it a year and you'll be fine. Well, it's been a year and still not a fan. LOVE our friends and church though. They make it fun but I'd rather just steal them all and make them move back west with me. Maybe I'll work on that this year... 

Jan. 18th marked one year with our peanut, Miss Aspen. Again, can't believe it's been a year. It hasn't been an easy one but totally worth it! She's becoming an awesome dog ( I can't say puppy anymore, wahhhh!!) and we wouldn't trade her for the world! 

We took a spontaneous trip to Charlotte, NC in the middle of January which was so fun! Charlotte is a great town that's trendy but still has that classic southern charm. It was great to get away, just the two of us, and enjoy being together. 

Chad will be doing a lot of traveling these next few months. They're trying to wrap up their project with AirBus which isn't going as smoothly as planned. Chad is just a boss and knows everything about everything and is getting the job done! I'm insanely proud of him for being the point person for this current project but at the same time I want my hubby home!! 

I'm still at Equipping Ministries as their office manager. It's getting better but definitely not what I want to be doing forever. The problem is I still don't know what my calling is but I'm trusting The Lord will lead me there when the timing is right. For now I'm just working hard and keeping my eye out for any good opportunities. 

Our main goal for 2015 is to get ourselves and our house together. We have both gained so much weight since being married. It's disgusting. We are both sick of it and are changing things up! It's exciting to be back on track. We'd love your support and encouragement with this journey. Also, we've noticed that after only one year of marriage we have collected so much crap! We both absolutely hate clutter and totally believe that living simpler is the way to go. So, we've decided that once a year we are going to have a major clean out of all the things we don't need and either sell them or give them to charity. This spring we'll be having our first garage sale and are stoked to get rid of some of the clutter and get organized. 

In March we'll be taking a trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. My parents have recently fallen in love with the area and invited us down there to see it. Obviously we could not pass that up! We cannot wait to escape the cold and relax on the beach with margarita in hand. 

As always we will be traveling all over this year: Montana, California, Nebraska, Michigan, and who knows where else. We both love traveling but agree it's getting old going to the same places. Sadly, our vacations feel more like obligations to see as many friends and family members as possible in the shortest amount of time. Obviously we love seeing them but we come back more exhausted than when we left. Our goal in the future is to explore new places and have new experiences with our friends and family beside us. That way we all get a vacation! We'll see how it goes lol.

We're also expecting to get a second dog in 2015. We feel like a second pup will complete our little family and we would love a sibling/playmate for Aspen. We are being very thoughtful and prayerful about it as it is not a light decision. Reason being is Aspen can be quite a little diva when it comes to other dogs. Some she loves and others she wants no part of. We expect this process to be lengthy but are excited for the future member of our family. 

We can't wait to see what 2015 will hold and I promise to keep you updated as much as I can! I hope your holidays were absolutely wonderful and you have a great 2015! 

Love ya'll! 

1 comment:

  1. Love love love this! So excited for 2015! And hope we get to see you this year!
